Our Partners & Awards

Our Partners
Abraham J. and Phyllis Katz Foundation
Alliance Bernstein L.P.
Atlanta Jazz Festival
Atlanta Jewish Film Festival
Atlanta Jewish Music Festival
Atlanta Preservation Center
Atlanta Speech School’s Rollins Center for Language and Literacy
Beit Hatfutsot, Museum of the Jewish People
Center for Civil and Human Rights
Congregation Ahavath Achim
Congregation Shearith Israel
Consulate General of Israel to the Southeast
Emory University
Eternal Life-Hemshech
Georgia Humanities Council
Georgia State Homes
Georgia State University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Grant Park Conservancy
Historic Oakland Foundation
Jewish Genealogical Society of Georgia
Kennesaw State University’s Museum of History and Holocaust Education
M.H. Mitchell Inc.
MJCCA Book Festival
Out of Hand Theater
PJ Library
Rich Foundation Inc.
Southern Museum of Civil War and Locomotive History
The Atlanta Opera
The Breman Foundation
The Cobb Landmarks and Historical Society, Inc.
The College of the Arts and the Radow Lecture Series at Kennesaw State University
The Georgia Center for the Book
The Greater Atlanta Hadassah
The Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta
The Jewish Women’s Fund of Atlanta
The Molly Blank Fund of The Arthur M. Blank Family Foundation
The Patty Hertz Reid Foundation
The Pittulloch Foundation
The Sara Giles Moore Foundation
The Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators – Southern Breeze Region
The Temple
Theatrical Outfit
Fulton County Arts and Culture
The mission of The Breman Museum is to connect people of all backgrounds in understanding and appreciation of Jewish arts, culture, and history. Thanks to the generous support from the Fulton County Arts Council we are engaging more people in more ways with our arts and culture programming.
In 1979, the Fulton County Board of Commissioners established the Fulton County Arts Council to enhance the quality of life of Fulton County Residents. The Fulton County Arts Council and the Fulton County Department of Arts & Culture serves as Fulton County’s funding agency to support cultural programs and the agency which provides services to Fulton County based nonprofit arts organizations and Fulton County residents.
The mission of the Fulton County Department of Arts and Culture is to insure all citizens’ access to the arts.
For more than 30 years Fulton County Arts & Culture has vigorously pursued quality arts programming through support and development of artists, arts organizations, arts institutions and cultural programming for residents
Funding for this program is provided by the Fulton County Board of Commissioners.
Photograph from the 2019 ChopArt program. Homeless children working with a Holocaust survivor for the collective goal of creating an art project.
Development of this site was partially provided by our participation in Onboard, a challenge grant from a well-respected national foundation. The Breman is grateful for this challenge grant and the positive impact it has had on our organization.