Stones of Remembrance
The Stones of Remembrance Project is an annual activity, sponsored by The Breman, the Lillian and Al Weinberg Center for Holocaust Education, Eternal-Life Hemshech, and the Jewish Federation of Greater Atlanta that memorializes the 1.5 million Jewish children who were killed during the Holocaust. Students from public and private elementary, middle, and high schools in metro Atlanta are invited to participate. They are given an actual murdered child’s first and last name, the date and place of birth, and the date and place of death. They write this information on a specially-prepared stone, and decorate it using permanent markers. The stone then becomes a unique memorial to that child’s life. Once the stone is completed, students are encouraged to write a short reflection to help them process their participation in the project. Their reflection can be open-ended or more guided using four questions they are provided. The stones are then either displayed as a Holocaust memorial on their school grounds, at The Breman, or each student can take their stone home and place it in a special location of their choosing.
This year a total of fifteen schools participated in the project. Of this number, the following schools and teachers opted to share their students’ reflections. Atlanta Jewish Academy (AJA) grades 5-8, Teachers: Ron Einhorn, Tamar Baba Kraus, Topaz Goren, Tysha Morris, and Shivi Speilman. Holy Innocents’ Episcopal School (HIES) grade 7, Teacher: Maureen Danzig. The Lovett School grade 6, Teachers: Kelly Lecceardone and Symphony Romaine. Temple Sinai grade 6, Teacher: Shana Wilons.
Reflections committee members, Charles Hacker, Ann Podber, and Jeannette Zukor are pleased to share with you some selected examples of both the open-ended and guided responses available to download below.
![Holocaust Art at the Atlanta Jewish Academy including a Stone of Remembrance, barbed wire and a yellow sunflower.](
![Star of Stones at The Breman.](
![Stones of Remembrance and Daffodils at The Breman.](
![Memorial Stones Garden at The Breman.](
![A 6th grade Lovett School student pleased with his artful Stone of Remembrance.](
![A Lovett School 6th grader proud to present his Stone of Remembrance.](
![A Lovett School 6th grader gladly displaying her art on a Stone of Remembrance.](
![Kelly Lecceardone's 6th grade English class at The Lovett School diligently crafting their artwork on Stones of Remembrance.](
![Stones, candles and yellow sunflowers on the crypt holding 6 flaming torches at the Memorial to the Six Million in Greenwood Cemetery.](
![Ms. Maureen Danzig's 7th grade English class at Holy Innocents' Episcopal School proudly displaying their Stones. In the center is Jeannette Zukor, Chair of The Stones of Remembrance Project.](
![Toddler adding a Stone of Remembrance to the crypt at the Memorial to the Six Million in Greenwood Cemetery.](
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Unforgettable Stories from the Holocaust. Bearing Witness features videos of Holocaust survivors telling their remarkable stories. Find more on our Vimeo Page.