Curating Your Family Story
March 2020 


Join the Breman Museum as we celebrate the opening of the 2020 Curating Your Family Story Exhibition.

The Curating Your Family Story program is a multigenerational Jewish heritage journey where participants – this year from Congregation Shearith Israel (6th Grade) – explore their Jewish family roots, genealogy, traditions, and stories. This program culminates with each student creating an artistic piece representing a family story that is entered into an international competition and will be on display at the Breman Museum’s Curating Your Family Story Exhibition (March 9-March 29th).

 Come view the Curating Your Family Story Exhibition, taste some of the participant’s favorite family foods, and hear these amazing students talk about their project, research and learning – as they share all about their family story. Sunday, March 29th, 10-11:30 AM.

 The Curating Your Family Story program is a partnership between the Breman Museum, Beit Hatfutsot – The Museum of the Jewish People, and The Covenant Foundation.

 Curating Your Family Story is an initiative that stemmed from My Family Story, a worldwide Jewish heritage program and competition, now celebrating its 25th anniversary. This multi-disciplinary program, created by the Breman Museum in Atlanta and Beit Hatfutsot Museum of the Jewish People in Israel, engaged 6th-grade students from Congregation Shearith Israel and led them on a search into their past. The journey connected students to their family stories and to stories within the greater narrative of the Jewish people. An exploration of each student’s personal history, genealogy, and tradition culminated in this exhibition.